How are traumatic brain injuries treated?

On Behalf of | Dec 9, 2020 | Firm News |

Now that winter is here, icy and slick sidewalks are a major factor in slip-and-fall accidents. These accidents can lead to serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which may have lasting consequences. 

According to MedlinePlus, TBIs range from mild to severe. While mild cases usually resolve on their with a bit of rest, more serious cases require advanced treatments. Here are a few of the methods used to treat TBI and its effects. These treatments are often used in conjunction for the greatest possible effect. 


Head injuries can sometimes cause mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. This can result from physical damage to the brain, or because you are experiencing difficulty adjusting to the effects of the injury. Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medication can be used to lessen symptoms. If the injury resulted in decreased awareness or lethargy, stimulants may also be provided. 

Head injuries are sometimes associated with a higher risk of blood clots. In this case, you may be prescribed blood thinners to reduce the risk. Seizures are another possible effect of serious TBI, in which case an anticonvulsant might be prescribed. 


If you have difficulty performing daily tasks, such as cooking and grooming, you will be provided occupational therapy. An occupational therapist teaches patients new ways of doing things, as well as how to use assistive devices like walkers. If the TBI led to muscle weakness, physical therapy can be used to improve strength and flexibility. When processes like memory and attention are affected, cognitive therapy will also be provided. 


TBI can sometimes cause dangerous swelling in the brain. As a result, surgery is performed to relieve pressure, which prevents more serious effects from occurring. If the skull was fractured in the accident, surgery will be needed to repair it. Surgery can also be used to remove blood clots in the brain.